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About SS&S Music Anime 3D Wallgames Betsubetsu Others...
SY99 Disk FM Tutorial Effects My Music Programming
Removal Ribbon Adapter Bracket Install Tidy up

Ribbon cable tidy up
sy99 disk The photo shows the final arrangement of the new floppy drive. Note that the ribbon cable now comes over the floppy drive bracket.
sy99 disk The photo shows the original arrangement of the floppy drive. Note that the ribbon cable to the floppy drive is just folded up because the ribbon cable connected directly the the single socket on the back of the drive - under the bracket.
sy99 disk This is a close-up of the ribbon cable from the original arrangement. Note that the blue pin 1 marked ribbon is not neatly folded up.
sy99 disk When I examined the ribbon cable, it seemed that it was slightly too long, and I finally decided on a flat bend and a 'z' fold.
sy99 disk Almost all the other ribbons in the SY99 were carefully arranged with right angle flat bends produced by a single 45 degree fold, and I wanted to continue this manufacturing practice here.

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About SS&S Music Anime 3D Wallgames Betsubetsu Others...
SY99 Disk FM Tutorial Effects My Music Programming
Removal Ribbon Adapter Bracket Install Tidy up
© 2004-2008 Martin Russ